Information regarding the Fryeburg Cannabis Ordinance Changes

Fall 2024

Summary of Changes

The referendum on the Fryeburg ballot on November 5th makes changes to the Adult Use Cannabis Ordinance.


Limit the total number of Adult Use Cannabis stores in Fryeburg to 5

o There are currently 5 Medical Cannabis stores in Fryeburg.

o. If the ordinance passes, these stores will be allowed to operate as Adult Use Stores


·Allows stores to convert to operate under the Adult Use Laws.  Adult Use stores require the following changes:

o   Raise the age to purchase from 18 to 21 years old

o   Limit the strength of edibles.

o   Require mandatory safety testing of all Cannabis products sold, ensuring safe products in our town

o   Eliminate the need for a medical card, improving customer privacy and reducing black market enterprises



  • No, as counterintuitive as that may sound, the medical laws were created before there was a regulatory agency and testing labs. Medical products do not need to be tested and there is very little regulation surrounding the industry. The Adult Use laws were developed to ensure safer products for the general public. Testing Labs started when Adult Use Cannabis laws went into effect to ensure safe and consistent products.

  • There will be very little outside changes seen by the public. There will be more restrictions on signage. The biggest difference is that the age to purchase will go from 18 to 21 or older. High does edibles will no longer be available.

  • No, this limits the total number of cannabis stores in town to 5. Currently, there is no limit to the number of stores. It is currently possible for more stores to open if this does not pass.

  • High dose edibles will no longer be available at the Adult Use Stores. There are more taxes and regulation on Adult Use Cannabis so the prices may go up slightly. However, Cannabis in Maine is a highly competitive market and we have seen prices dropping over time, so it is unlikely that there will be significant price increases. Many stores offer discounts to locals and medical card holders to help support cost sensitive consumers.

  • Most medical users can get what they need at Adult Use Stores, similar to "over the counter" medications. There still are many medical patients that need higher doses. These will still be available from caregivers in a private setting.

  • The town will receive licensing fees from the Adult Use operations in town but all of the Tax Revenue goes directly to the state. The town receives no revenue from Medical Stores.

  • Cannabis is one of the safest substances available. There has never been a documented overdose that led to death or permanent injury. Cannabis can be impairing, and users should not drive or operate machinery when consuming. People have been known to accidentally consume too much, especially in edible form. This can sometimes be very uncomfortable and may cause anxiety. There are no health risks associated with this. The only remedy is to wait for it to wear off by going to bed, listening to your favorite music, or settling in with a movie. Compared to Alcohol, Cannabis is clearly safer with less impairment, less long-term health risks, and no risk of overdose.

Do you support legal cannabis?

Vote YES for this referendum, it improves access for all adults and safeguards the quality of products.

Are you concerned about legal cannabis in our community?

Vote YES for this referendum. It limits the number of stores in town and will raise the age from 18 to 21 years old.

Fryeburg Cannabis


Fryeburg Cannabis 〰️